How can I load the binary file via USB?
Hi,I want to use an USB device in order to load the .elf file via USB on STM32F746.How can I do this?Best Regards
Hi,I want to use an USB device in order to load the .elf file via USB on STM32F746.How can I do this?Best Regards
I need SPWF FW version v1.1.0 to flash onto the board (pg.8 Select the binary file to program the Flash) have been unable to locate SPWF01S-160129c5bf5ce-RELEASE-main.bin or any updated version.
Dear ST Community,After reading the SPIRIT1 datasheet and thinking over 2 days on it, I still have a lot of doubts and unclear points. May some help me with the following:1. XTAL and synthesizerI have put a 25MHz XTAL on my custom PCB. I saw in the d...
Hi,I'm using bluenrg-ms, stack version 7.2c.My application requires the BLE to have static random address.Setting the address using the command hci_le_set_random_address() is working, when I start advertising with aci_gap_set_discoverable() everythin...
I am not able to establish a BLE connection between the Zephyr RTOS and any other device I have (phone + laptop).My setup is as followsa NUCLEO-L4R5ZI board with a X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1 shield, powered by the ST-Link over USB from my laptopa Digilent Anal...
Is there any manual for BlueNRG-2 where I can find the register describtion? the point is to use UART but without HAL driver. I mean document like other STM32 MCU have. BR KWT
Hi I am using NUCLEO-L053R8 with XNUCLEO- PLM01A1 board connected which is having ST7580. i am able to run the basic example given but now i wanted to change the Maximum central frequency which is in configurable as per the document *