User Activity

I have three devices. D1 is Master of D2 and Slave of D3. D1 is Master and Slave at the same time. D1 must receive a packet from D3 at the anchor point, and must send a packet to D2 at another anchor point. Because of clock drift, I would expect thes...
I was looking at the BLE_Sync sample code, when I stumbled upon something I couldn't find documented. void DTB_Init(void) { /* Enable the peripheral clock of GPIO Port A */ RCC->AHBENR |= 1<<3; /* PA1 tx/rx req*/ GPIOA->MODER |= (2<<2);...
I've read the documentation about the BLE scheduler and I was wondering if it's possible to schedule some time for operations over-the-air using the proprietary protocol. I was thinking about something like, the application is informed when BLE opera...