2022-02-17 11:25 PM
I have STEVAL-IDB011V1 board and i want to write my own firmware on board. How to do that is there any tool like cubmx is available. How to do that and which tool used for firmware flashing. @Salvo @Sebastien DENOUAL @Salvatore DI SALVO @s239955_stm1_stmicro @Agnieszka Stawiarska
2022-02-22 7:53 AM
Hi @Nikhil Gayke ,
BlueNRG-LP is not part of the STM32 familly and so not integrated in STM32 ecosystem.
I would advise at first to download and install BlueNRG-LP SDK :
This SDK includes several code examples you could use as basis for your own development. Nvigator tool part of SDK alos allow to directly flash prebuilt binaries for STEVAL-IDB011.
In terms of IDE, IAR, KEIL (free license available) and WiseStudio (arm-gcc based) are supported by default. You can directly flash and debug using those IDE (ARM SWD interface - CMSISDAP/ST-link/J-Link/...)
Also a dedicated tool for flashing is available : BlueNRG-Flasher
This Flasher utility allow flashing using UART bootloader or SWD interface.