STM32 MCUs Security

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Resolved! Board does not boot after readout protection enabled.

I have a project based on an Stm32F767. If I load the hex file and then manually enable readout protection to level 1 with the STLinkV2 utility, the board fails to begin to execute code after reset. Why? What is the correct way to use this feature?

CSeto.1 by Associate
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Resolved! [STM32L081xx] __HAL_RCC_AES_CLK_ENABLE missing

Hi all,I generated code in STM32CubeMX for STM32L081CBTx controller with AES enabled.I built the generated code (without modification) in STM32CubeIDE, but it failed with warning:../Core/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_msp.c: In function 'HAL_CRYP_MspInit': ../Cor...

ISzik.1 by Associate
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Code does not run when RDP is enabled on STM32L072

Hi ST community,I have a fully functional application on my STM32L072. The problem is when I tried to enable RDP, nothing works anymore.After flashing the application I tried to connect with ST-Link, the option bytes are set correctly and it is not p...

RCont.1 by Associate II
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Read protection on STM32 chip

Read Protection has been set in the STM32 chip .In this case, how to judge the chip is in the read protection state through the bootloader program of the chip.I now is to send the erase instruction, if return NACK, judge chip is in the read Protectio...

忠余.1 by Associate II
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About CRCSIZE setting in STM32H7 SPI peripheral

I am confused about the setting of the SPI CRC functionality: it is not clear what CRCSIZE is doing and how to set it. I understand that to get a N bits CRC you have to choose a N+1 bits polynom, but why is the length of the CRC not deduced from the ...

Gpeti by Senior II
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what will be the source file path for x-cube-cryptolib-master for AES256 Encryption . I Used Atollic truestudio for CubeMax gererated code. I Download x-cube-cryptolib-master from

Not able to access some function definition for AES256 . I am using Atolic true studio for cubeMx generated Code. I used STM32L442KC MicrocontrollerI Added crypto library using below steps .open properties of project and in C/C++ general>Paths and Sy...

STAR by Associate II
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