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For downloading the binary after updating the SBSFU, how does one go about it since the security protections have been updated (8.6 in UM2262). I can't get the Secure Boot to load in Tera Term again even though I press both reset and user. When I try...
Hello, I am interested in learning how to sign an app that we created. could it be automated or what files would have to be changed? A second thing is if i want to switch to a different authentication algorithm (replace RSA for example), how would I ...
When i try to perform a full chip erase, i get the error: mass erase operation failed. please verify flash protection. I tried doing it sector by sector but get an error. I tried a few times and disconnected and reconnected my board. I'm not sure whe...
I am using STM32CubeIDE and am slightly confused on the rebuilding project steps of the UM2262 manual. Should I be going into each individual folder in the "Projects" folder and rebuilding all of them (such as NUCLEO76RG --> Applications --> 2_Images...
In the video, "Security Part6 - STM32 security ecosystem - 02 Building the SBSFU" there are some scripts under the folder "STM32SecuWS" which are unavailable in the SBSFU download software. Where can I get these scripts? I am also struggling while fo...