STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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WFI usage with RTOS

Hi,I am using STM32F779NI and CMSIS RTOS2 for my project. Software was working well till I added code for low power mode with RTOS tick-less operation as per the link

A3 by Associate III
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Transfer project to new board

Hello!I have a education task. I need to transfer X-CUBE-USB-AUDIO ( to stm32f746g discovery. Project supports boards STM32446E-EVAL and 32F769IDISCOVERY. I think stm32f746g is similar 32F...

VGuly.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Where do you log bugs discovered in the `HAL_`?

I believe I have found a bug in `HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit`.The timeout parameter begins counting from the instant the transaction begins, and it doesn't appear that the watchdog is being reset with each incoming byte. Therefore, when you have a long I...

Zak by Associate II
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ST USB DFU bootloader problem

Hi!I'm using CubeMX USB DFU bootloader on STM32F103C8T6 chip. For some reasone example takes itself 48 kB of flash, but don't use even half of it.So i changed USBD_DFU_APP_DEFAULT_ADD from 0x0800C000 to 0x08008000 and changed FLASH_DESC_STR  to  "@In...

DM.1 by Associate
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Data Corruption with USB CDC communication

Continuous transmission of data of tx rate 500 samples per seconds(33 bytes per sample) using USB virtual com port(USB CDC).USB mode - full speedTransmit data to serial monitor using function CDC_Transmit_FS();Received data on serial monitor is corru...

Aishwarya by Associate III
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