Will STR71 series support AMX/KADAK RTOS
Will STR71 series support AMX/KADAK RTOS
Will STR71 series support AMX/KADAK RTOS
Hello,DescriptionI started to interface with USB peripheral in my nucleo F411RE and wanted to set it as host to work as VCP but I have some problems understanding or even to make it work properly. HardwareNucleo-F446REKNACRO FT312D USB Android Host U...
Hi,I am using STM32F779NI and CMSIS RTOS2 for my project. Software was working well till I added code for low power mode with RTOS tick-less operation as per the linkhttps://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/RTOS2/html/group__CMSIS__RTOS__KernelCtrl.html#g...
Hello!I have a education task. I need to transfer X-CUBE-USB-AUDIO (https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-usb-audio.html) to stm32f746g discovery. Project supports boards STM32446E-EVAL and 32F769IDISCOVERY. I think stm32f746g is similar 32F...
I've checked with the normal programming method (openocd stlink) and I can read the 12 bytes at address 0x1fff5790 just fine but when trying to access it via the bootloader I'm getting a protected memory area access failure. I have another part 32F04...
I believe I have found a bug in `HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit`.The timeout parameter begins counting from the instant the transaction begins, and it doesn't appear that the watchdog is being reset with each incoming byte. Therefore, when you have a long I...
Hello.I'm trying to design an RF controller for a drone with STM32F103RBT using FREERTOS CMSIS_V2.The idea is: I have a hardware with some potentiometers, joysticks etc connected to the ADC channels. I have an NRF24L01 as RF transmitter using SPI com...
Hi!I'm using CubeMX USB DFU bootloader on STM32F103C8T6 chip. For some reasone example takes itself 48 kB of flash, but don't use even half of it.So i changed USBD_DFU_APP_DEFAULT_ADD from 0x0800C000 to 0x08008000 and changed FLASH_DESC_STR to "@In...
Is it hard to migrate the code of, for example, this project to a F7 board?https://github.com/MrBlueXav/Dekrispator_v2
Continuous transmission of data of tx rate 500 samples per seconds(33 bytes per sample) using USB virtual com port(USB CDC).USB mode - full speedTransmit data to serial monitor using function CDC_Transmit_FS();Received data on serial monitor is corru...