STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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HAL_Delay and interrupts?

Hello, If I am using an external interrupt on a GPIO pin HAL_Delay() in my program's main() does not work. while (1) { serprintf("Before HAL Delay"); HAL_Delay(500); serprintf("After HAL Delay");   } "After HAL Delay" never happens. I'...

STM32F373 USB DFU Bootloader

Hello, I've developed a board and trying to update the firmware with usb.My board has lcd display, and I want to display "Firmware Update Mode" while the device is in bootloader mode.Can I catch an interrupt to write something to LCD?Also, how can I ...

DFU standalone firmware update

Hello,I was applying the DFU_Standalone project on STM32L5 and it is working fine. I was using the dfu example ( STM32L562E-DK_LED_Toggle_@0x0800C000.dfu) given by the standalone project in order to download it on the device.I would like to know, in ...

MOsta.1 by Associate II
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B-L4S5I-IOT01A STSAFE-A110 Test problem

안녕하세요. 저는 한국 mouser를 통해서 B-L4S5I-IOT01A 보드를 구매하여 개발 테스트를 하고 있습니다.그런�?� X-CUBE-AWS 테스트 중 내부 보안 chip�?� �?�용한 키 값�?� 만드는 기능�?� 정�? �?�작하지 않습니다.KMS 기능�?� 사용하는 경우는 정�? �?�작하는�?� 혹시 해당 chip만 불량�?� 수�?� 있�?�까요? 그런 경우 어떻게 검�?�?� 할 수 있�?�까요?

KYang.7 by Associate
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STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.11.2 HAL I2C module has serious bug in NACK bit handling for I2C CR2 register, breaking fast successive I2C transfer in Slave-mode

I suppose that NACK bit handling logic was inherited from F4 family, where ACK bit is used for address/data acknowledgement control and could be set/reset by software. Unlike F4 family, I2C controller of F0 uses CR2 NACK bit only for data bytes and d...

MDednev by Associate
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Resolved! Hello, I'm using STM32F767ZI NUCLEO Board Want use Ethernet to Communicate with IOT cloud and also I'm trying to implement UDP server

I've checked various example on internet but I haven't get any one of them working for me,The board even not connecting to the router, I've tried static as well as dynamic IPI'm new to Ethernet & LwIPcould you please  provide me any staring example f...

DK.8 by Associate II
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