I am using the CubeMX to set up a STM32F413 to receive audio signal form the I2S unit 1 . But then I found that the CubeMX do not allow set up of NVIC for unit 1, 4,5 of the I2S. Only unit 2,3 which have full duplex function have NVIC setting. This m...
I'm a newbie to STM products. Lots of experience with other vendors, and am used to seeing example solutions that go from point A to point B. STM seems to provide tool descriptions (and I understand why given the combinations of tools, versions, pr...
I have a stm32f446 setup with a virtual com port. I using a task with FREE RTOS. The task is blocked by waiting on a semaphore (xSemsphoreTake). In my CDC_Receive_FS routine I am simply calling xSemaphoreGiveFromISR when ever this function is called....
Looking at stm32 USB library for USB device (not host)( particularly for 32F769) I noticed in source code, different approaches between core ID 300A and core ID 310A. However I found no documentation that explains that versions. Does someone know wha...
I have a USB HID product based on the STM32F205. We've built thousands of them. However, recent builds have shown about a 5% failure rate where the device fails to enumerate (some of this 5% might fail 50% of the time when power cycling, some 90%+). ...
I'm debugging a legacy application on an STM32F407 that uses the std peripheral libraries and LwIP 1.4.1, and except on rare occasions, hardware IPv4 checksums don't work; they all get sent out as zeroes. When I disable hardware checksums in lwipopts...
Before programming when i connect the board with UART bootloader:After clicking on download option, it is showing following errors: