STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

stm32f746 uclinux kernel build toolchain

hi,i'm trying to build the kernel source on the stm32f746-discoi'have forked github link of kernel source the step discriptions,-->>Steps to make the uImage :1) use `make stm32f746_disco_defconfig' to ...

Fish by Associate II
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location using SIM800L GSM MODULE

Hi Community,I am trying to integrate SIM800L module with STM32F103C6T6 using UART (POLL method), code given below, but all I am getting a response is a single char 'A' or sometimes a random value as shown in screenshots. I have also tried setting up...

live_debug_HALTIMEOUT.PNG response.PNG

Get AUTOIP working on lwIP

Hello forum,I'm working in STM32CubeIDE with the STM32F107VCT6 on a custom board which successfully run a TCP Server application using Ethernet communication + FREERTOS + lwIP and I'm struggling in enabling AUTOIP feature.My custom board need to be I...

Spaghetto by Associate III
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STM32 Classic USB DFU Implementation

Has anyone implemented the Classic USB DFU class without using Azure RTOS for STM32H5xx Devices. There is an example support for the CDC Communication available on the Community but i was unable to find the DFU Example. If anyone has an example pleas...

NikhilP by Associate II
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