STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! PWM with DMA makes unwanted pulse stream

Hi,I want to make PWM stream with various duty, so I'm testing PWM with DMA using NUCLEO-G0B1RE and HAL library.The first image shows weird pulse train. I set DMA buffer with [duty 1] * 8 + [duty 17] * 8 + [duty 5] * 8, but oscilloscope captures eigh...

2024-07-29 165014.png
click8 by Associate II
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STM32F767 Ethernet at different rate

Hi everyone. I'm using stm32f767zi board with lwip stack and I need to transmit at different rate through Ethernet: 50mbit/s, 80mbit/s and 100mbit/s. When I tried to send a buffer of 6554 byte every 1ms (in order to send 6553600 byte aka 50mbit every...

Al3 by Associate II
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EEPROM Emulation in FLASH STM32L432KC

I am working on EEPROM Emulation in STM32L432 using its internal flash memory so is there any specific address for making EEPROM emulation in stm32l432kc or can we take any random address of flash memory? give the solution. 

vpn by Associate
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I have an STM32H742VGT based project with ethernet connection (LAN8742AI-CZ phy ) the problem is that I get HAL_ERROR when the HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Transmit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, ETH_TxPacketConfig *pTxConfig, uint32_t Timeout)

When the HAL_ETH_Transmit is called by the driver it seems the code below (part of HAL_ETH_Transmit ) times out as the DMA TX complete callback are not called. I've followed the STM32H743 example but I guess STM32H742 memory map is a bit different th...

NMach.1 by Associate II
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Hello,I'm have a Nucleo board with a STM32F334R8T6I configured a timer with 10kHz and I'm using the HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback to call a funtion that will control my motor and read some data with the ADC. I want to check the frequency that the con...

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Nakata by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F407 USB bootloader problem

Hi,Recently I had to replace the MCU in a device and I tried to upload the code using USB Bootloader, as it is available and requires very little stuff when you're on site.So, the MCU has been detected in the system (see PIC1.png), but the CubeProgra...