UART Configuration - MSB or LSB first
Deos anybody know how to change UART configuration to send MSB or LSB first? I use STM Cube MX with STM32F446RE.
Deos anybody know how to change UART configuration to send MSB or LSB first? I use STM Cube MX with STM32F446RE.
Hello,I'm working on a project which includes: W25Q32 (NOR Flash), File system and USB MSC + CDC on STM32U0 series MCU - STM32U073RCT6.Till now, I've implemented these:- SPI setup and communication with the NOR Flash (W25Q32)- For the file-system par...
With latest STM32CubeIDE:when I try to import a project for U585 with ThreadX and NetX Duo, I get local file copy failure.Issue #1 - you need to add more details/logs, so that we can know WHICH file / package is causing the issues. It's a guessing ga...
Hi,recently I changed my microcontroller from STM32L152 to STM32L552. In L1 I was using the code in the following link to activate the internal bootloader.
Hi,I try to enable the hardware ARP Offload in a STM32H753 custom board. The problem is, that it doesn't take the given IP adresse in die MACARPAR register regardless what the sequence of code is. I tryed it before and after enabling the ARPEN bit an...
Not able to send STM32L4S9ZIJ6 into low-power sleep mode even after using inbuilt sleep API calls. Have used HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode function call after configuring SLEEP_PD register, configuring system clock to run at 2MHz & changing the regulator mo...
Hello,I am using a STM32F427 to read and write data to EEPROM Serial 256-Kb SPICAT25256. I use LL API, and DMA full-duplex over SPI. I manage myself the Chip Slect signal.I can see with logic analyser that datas are sent and received to/from EEPROM c...
HiI have a project using lwIP, created by STM32Cube.It works fine, but I really want to shut OFF the debug messages.I have searched and tried a bunch of different things, but nothing seems to be able to stop it. Example of error/debug message: "netif...
Hello,I am new to STM32 and I am trying to write into FLASH memory using some reference code I found in internet. Here is my write function:uint32_t Flash_Write_Data (uint32_t StartPageAddress, uint32_t *Data, uint16_t numberofwords){ static FLASH_Er...
Im trying to communicate between nucleof446re board with other processor board using UART.Communication works fine when I connect my nucleo board with USB power supply but when I connect nucleo with external 3.3V or 5V supply the communication does n...