STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Doublebuffered USB endpoint for STM32L0

Posted on January 09, 2017 at 11:46As described in  RM0376 DocID025941 rev 4 datasheet page 882 the SW_BUF flag shows the packet buffer for the application software. But there is a mismatch in the Table 143 for IN-type endpoint for DTOG=1 SW_BUF=1. ...

uart HAL api's

Posted on December 15, 2016 at 13:42 i am new to stm32f4 HAL api's. I have some trouble learning them. Anything useful for me is really really appreciated. i  was looking at the uart api. i was referring to the examples provided in the keilv5  direc...

Resolved! STM32L4 : can't read global variables

Posted on December 23, 2016 at 15:23 I'm trying to blink a LED on a Nucleo-L476 with CubeMX and ST's HAL. It worked perfectly on Windows (System Workbench). Now, I'm trying to do the same on Linux with CubeMX and Qt Createor (my favorite IDE) and...

USB CDC multiply VCP

Posted on July 11, 2016 at 14:55Hello!I use the USB CDC class implementation provided by STM32CubeMX 4.10.1 (firmware library v1.3.0) with stm32l0x3 and I try to get a composite device with multiply VCP ports. I'm rather not interested in changes in...

STM32F4 Ethernet FreeRTOS v7.5.2

Posted on December 30, 2016 at 14:00Hi,       Does anyone tried & succeeded in STM32F4 Ethernet examples with FreeRTOS v7.5.above & LwIP 1.3 above?? I have gone all the examples provided in the internet, they all using the LwIP 1.3.2 with FreeRTOS v...

LRPS_92 by Associate II
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