STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Bootloader to lauch 2 different programs

Posted on January 02, 2013 at 18:15hi there.I have 2 programs that share the same hardware and a customer wants both. The best option that I found is the posibilty to store both binaries in memory and launch them based in a pin value at startup. For...

pedro23 by Senior
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STM32F4 uKeil USB HID (Keyboard)

Posted on December 20, 2012 at 22:45Hello, I need connect keyboard (USB HID) to my STM32F4 discovery kit via uKeil. Can someone help me with this? I havent experience with programing this 32Bit, i switched from Atmega8 to this ARM. For any advice I ...

What is ETH MAC endianness?

Posted on December 08, 2012 at 22:19Subject says it all. Just for clarity if length of my frame is 1024 bytes what should I put into tx buffer:  0x1000(Big Endian) or 0x0010(Little Endian)? I do know that ethernet itself is BE and MCU is LE, so does...

brberie by Associate II
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