STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

HAL: Unused parameter warnings

I compile my code with -Wunused-parameter and I get many "warning: unused parameter …" for the STM32F4 HAL.Would be great if this can be fixed in the library. I don't want to change the library and then have to maintain the changes.Thanks!Harjit

stm32f429zi nucleo ethernet socket

I am working on stm32f429zi nucleo board on ethernet .1) Is it possible to implement SOCKET programming without RTOS.(if so any source code available)2) Any resource for implementing standalone TCP data transmit and receive.(any source code available...

KINGame by Associate III
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HAL I2S timeout error

HAL I2S timeout error, look at my code below, i had it working one day and now it never works, the HAL_I2S_Receive function is only called once and then I run into HAL_StatusTypeDef being stuck in HAL_TIMEOUT.while (1)   {   /* USER CODE END WHIL...

uahma by Associate
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Resolved! Code Isolation for Functional Safety

HI,  I am considering the use of STM32F0 device for my project. How do I isolate the safety related code(for functional safety)  from the general code, so that a f/w update on the general code doesn't affect the safety related code? Are there any har...

arthiJan by Associate II
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Trying to get Nucleo-F042K6 into DFU mode

I'm developing an application for the F042 series chips. I'm using Nucleo-F042K6 for development.I want to allow users to flush firmware using DFU mode. I am unclear on how to force the device into the DFU bootloader. Some material I read suggests th...

AKrup by Associate II
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