I am developing a custom firmeware programmer software for Windows+Linux.I'm trying to use STM32 Cube Programmer API with QT Creator, as in the examples included with STM32 Cube Programmer package release.I successfully compiled the QT Creator STM32C...
Hello,Is it possible to upload my firmware on STM32H743BI, using STM32H753I-EVAL board?It doesn't matter?orshould I have to use STM32H743I-EVAL board?Thanks
I came across a fatal trouble, Connecting ST-Link always fails. This was caused unexpected RDP operation in the debug, that may have changed RDP=1. It was observed that 'some' program is always starts even after Reset. In my observation, UART ...
Hello, I have a STM32F407VGT6 built into our application, During developement Iam facing some strange issue where NRST pin goes below logic level over the time(in few days), This issue happens in some of our boards. Our Circuitary only contains 0.1uF...
Hi,I'm working on a STM32F7508-DK recently bought. I've imported an example project from stm32f7 packages called Menu_Launcher. I'm trying to run the project with OpenOCD but this doesn't work and I have the following errors in the console :Info : Li...
Dear Master,I have problem dealing with STM32L4Q5CGT6, i just turn on the peripheral like SPI, I2C, UART and set the core clock to 400KHz.in the datasheet and PCC says the current consumption (IDD) will be around 300uA.but in actual i measure the idd...
Hello,This is my first time designing a PCB for an STM32F4 microcontroller (and I only get one shot at making this board), and the specific application requires USB and a CAN-Bus. I chose a 10 MHz through-hole crystal oscillator (ABL-10.000MHz-B1U-T)...