Hi community !I need your help with Light example for BlueNRG-2. I want to add ble to this example, like that i can use PC to communicate with the card by BLE and then this message could be transmit to mesh. What do i have to activate to archieve tha...
Hi,I was seeing linking errors while compiling the STSW-BNRG-Mesh with IAR(version 8.20.1)I just downloaded this package resolved the all path errors by setting the paths. But after resolving the all errors i'm facing linking errors. Due to that i'm ...
Per the STUSB4500 datasheet it provides basic ESD protection:ESD: 3 kV HBM - 1.5 kV CDMI was wondering if it's still useful to combine the STUSB4500 with a TCPP01-M12System-level ESD protection for USB type-C connector pins (CC1, CC2), compliant with...
I have re-builded ST BLE MESH and ST BLE Sensor using Android Studio with ST Proxy on Dec 2019.i have to upgrade Window system on April 14 2020. java may also upgraded.now I am trying to re-build ST BLE MESH and ST BLE Sensor again. But i encounte...
Could you provide a general overview of the PLL lock status is determined in general for the PLL devices? A general block diagram or short description would be very helpful.Thank you
Off-the-shelf GNSS receiver modules like new Teseo-LIV3F makes sense for application developers without any advanced software requirements and without too much RF expertise. In this case people can achieve fast results and avoid hassle compared to a ...
Hello,I am using the BlueNRG 1 stack V2.5.0.I am using the callaci_gatt_add_char(SeviceHandle, UUID_TYPE_128, &char_uuid, 20, CHAR_PROP_READ | CHAR_PROP_NOTIFY, ATTR_PERMISSION_NONE, 0, 7, 1, &CharHandle);But I am seeing that I don't always see the ...