Off-the-shelf GNSS receiver modules like new Teseo-LIV3F makes sense for application developers without any advanced software requirements and without too much RF expertise. In this case people can achieve fast results and avoid hassle compared to a ...
Hello,I am using the BlueNRG 1 stack V2.5.0.I am using the callaci_gatt_add_char(SeviceHandle, UUID_TYPE_128, &char_uuid, 20, CHAR_PROP_READ | CHAR_PROP_NOTIFY, ATTR_PERMISSION_NONE, 0, 7, 1, &CharHandle);But I am seeing that I don't always see the ...
Hello,I want to connect a muxed PSRAM (ref: W956D6KBKX) with STM32L4S5VIT in LQFP100 package, The PSRAM requires IO signals at 1.8V. and in the MCU tension is fixed at 3.3V.So is it advisable to use level translators to convert the IO signals from 3....
I am using a BlueNRG-LP and started with the CCA01M1 I2S project. I changed the callback so that it applies a volume to the stream in real time. But this seems to block the code if I use a double (which id like to do to see some precision - and I wan...
Hello,I'm trying to connect SIM7000E with STM32L476VGT by using UART4 (PA0 as Tx and PA1 as Rx)I'm already using USART2 to show messages in RealTerm and I can't use the other UARTs because I can't find the pins on the board.This is the code I'm tryin...
Morning community, I'm currently working on connecting my STM32 F4 Discovery board to an HTTP server using the lwip stack, I manage to find a demo based on cubeMX on this internet site, so I...
Hello, I have configured a BlueNRG-M2SA as a network coprocessor using the provided DTM_SPI.hex file. I have connected it to an external uC and am able to read data from it. The problem is that as soon as the BlueNRG boots up and the interrupt is ena...