STM32 MCUs Security

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Forum Posts

STM32F4 random number generation validation

Hello all,I am working on a cryptography project based on STM32F407VGT micro controller, in which I need to generate random data using inbuilt RNG peripheral. I dump this random data to my Ubuntu 16.04 host machine using USB in CDC mode and using l...

Warnings while using CRC drverfiles

Hello All,We have designed a custom board with STM32F777IITx MCU on it, where i am using ST Micro's CubeMX with Atollic True Studio for developing the code.Now I am also using a USB host peripheral and reading data from USB device now this data read ...


Resolved! LwIP with SBSFU

Hello,I'm trying to get LwIP working on a STM32F769I-DISC1 board but with the SBSFU bootloader.I started out with a basic project, generated with CubeMx, that sends UDP packets every 500ms (no operating system, just LwIP Raw API). This works, the boa...

Arno1 by Senior
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Protect firmware updates.

Hi all!,In the case of a commercial device, who need periodic firmaware updates, is there a way to protect those updates in order to avoid for being copied and cloned?Someone can point me to a read about it?

JAlca by Senior
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