STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! I can only write to SD card once (SPI-fatfs)

I am using a stm32f407 and i use this code inside a loop:/* Mount SD Card */ if(f_mount(&fs, "", 0) != FR_OK) _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__); /* Open file to write */ if(f_open(&fil, "first.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ | FA_WRITE) ...

NBlac by Associate III
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Port STSW-STM32059 to other PHY

Hello community,i got the STSW-STM32059 running on a STM3210C eval with truestudio. Now i want to port it to my own PCB, where i use a STM32107RC and the 88E6161 Switch as a PHY. The PHY uses port 5, in 100 full duplex MII mode.Until now i got the c...

aMees by Associate
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Stm32f103vet6 usb bulk multi enpoint.

Hello everybody !I am working with usb bulk use libusbwin32 and hardware stm32f103vet6. I use multi endpoint EP1_IN, EP1_OUT, EP2_IN, EP2_OUT, EP3_IN, EP3_OUT, EP4_IN, EP4_OUT. But EP4_IN and EP4_OUT do not work, other endpoint working ok. Please he...

tduon.14 by Associate
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Debugging when DMA is active...

When debugging, and when stopped at a breakpoint, does DMA or any interrupt driven process continue? If no, then debugging an incoming serial data stream (for example), can only be done after the stream is completed, otherwise you will miss character...

Resolved! Programming flash with DMA

Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to write from RAM to FLASH using a DMA.I tried to configure a DMA as memtomem, using the HAL_DMA_Start function but it doesn't work.Is it doable ?Thank you.François

variable length I/O messages using HAL

Using the HAL drivers, it seems that every communications routine (I2C, USART, SPI) has to know exactly how many characters to send, and exactly how many to receive. Now for sending, that's never a problem. For reception, that's been a constant pro...