I would like to implement audio in my project with the STM32L4R9I-DISCO kit. I tried first checking out the demo that comes with the discovery kit, but the touchgfx demo doesn't seem to accept wav or mp3 files. Is there a specific audio format that i...
Hallo, I cannot find any guideline on how to use the I2S and USB peripheral in order to interface PCs and Mac to I2C D/A and A/D converters. Talking about USB asynchronous with speeds up to 384LB/s. These boards are nowadays designed with specialise...
I want to use 12 bit DAC and 16 bit ADC at the same time. I mean that I want to force some level for two channel with 12 bit DAC and measure level with 16 bit ADC. But there are error when I use both. If I use 12 bit ADC with 12 bit dac. it is no pro...
UPDATE: Someone on stackoverflow has assured me that the file system object created by f_mount should indeed work elsewhere in the RTOS, and my issue is one of order of operations rather than a missing file system object. I'll update this thread as s...
Please send me tutorial related to STM32F429ZI EthernetAlso i am not able to import cubemx sample code to Truestudio, please provide supportRegardsAshwinraj
Hi. I have a problem with MII PHY interface STE100P connected to STM32H743ZIT6 (package LQFP144). Communication works only on 10Mbps. On 100Mbps works only packet receiving. Transmitting is not working at all. I spend several weeks to find why. And n...
usage of ethernet port in stm32f429zi ?
I managed to get an old version of the USB CDC/VCP SPl library working https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-stm32046.html and modified the VCP example to send/receive data to a PC via USB serial port. I edited syscalls.c so that the printf() ...
I know one can enable a UART receive interrupt using HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, (uint8_t *)rx_buffer, expectedNumberOfBytes)But once started how does one stop it, "manually"?We can disable the UART interrupt using HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ . This will ...