USB OTG issue. I am working on a project port that uses an STM32F407ZGT that communicates with a PC via a USB VCP. The original implementation used an FTDI USB chip to provide a VCP. We have a simple command, response protocol to talk to the STM32. F...
After spending many hours trying to create a working project in STM32CubeIDE with "Device configuration Tool" (file *.ioc), LwIp and Free-RTOS... I am asking for help!My goal is to get a working environment with LWIP and FREE-RTOS on STM32F769NIH6U p...
Hello,I am using MCU STM32F303VC controller with USB 2.0 FS configuration as device and PC as the host.CDC interface is configured to handle the Bulk transactions, and for this only 1 endpoint (Endpoint 1) has been used for handling both IN and OUT b...
I'm using stm32cubeMX to create the project on a nucleo F767ZI boardI'm using FreeRTOS and LWIP for a simple UDP sender.I can get IP address form DHCP and ping works, and the packet can be sentout without any problem if the destination is the broadca...
Hello everyone,I have CNC controller with STM32F207 MCU and during operation machine stopped and on software was message "load BIN file". After a wile I found bin file for exact model of particular board on manufacturers site, downloaded it and impor...
Posted on June 17, 2018 at 08:44Environment: STM32469I-EVAL Windows 10 x64 STM32CubeMX v. 4.25.0 STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.21.0 System Workbench for STM32 Version: SD card inserted, code sample Projects\STM32469I_EVA...
In order to evaluate emWin graphics library, I'm using the evaluation board STM32H745I-DISCO and I'm trying the example project "STemWin_HelloWorld".When I call GUI_DispStringAt ("hello",0,0) I see that the string is not displayed from X = 0 position...