STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! operation of HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA

This question is about the operation of HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA.When HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hspi1 ...) is being transmitted (assumed SPI communication_A) and HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hspi1 ...) is called (assumed SPI communication_B) SP...

SQLite VFS for ThreadX (former Azure RTOS)

Hi all, I have just released subj. I have tried to contribute it to SQLite directly or to create a CubeMX package but seems that nobody interested, so I have created a standalone repository. I have used STM32H753I-EVAL2 to develop and test it and the...

DmitryR by Associate III
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input capture mode

hi im using stm32g474vet6 timer2 which is 32bit in input capture mode for finding frequency and width.i can't able to measure more than 400khz frequency. i want to measure 4mhz to 400khz signal, which is 400khz frequency signal and its width will var...

DNS for Server based on Azure / netx-duo

Hi, I have an http web server running on a STM32U575. The system is reachable via USB over RNDIS. How can I teach the server DNS? I have tried to use the mDNS module without success. What is the cheapest solution so that the user only has to enter th...

schwiete by Associate
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Resolved! AzureRTOS (Threadx) USBPD support

Dear all,I'm working on an custom hardware project using the STM32G0B1 MCU running ThreadX.  My goal is to use/port the USBPD stack for both source as sink device, but I'm failing to do so partly because the stack provided is closed source.The CubeMX...

Resolved! STM32H7B0 USB stop sending after 1408 bytes

Dear,We using the STM32H7B0 (100pins) When we sending to the USB port with the function CDC_Transmit_HS() he returns always USBD_BUSY after  1408 bytes.We had found a article that says that the the value 0x174 isn't correct (see code below)See: https...

OGhis by Senior
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STM32H723ZGT6 NetxDuo Custom Driver

In a project I created with STM32H723ZGT6, I am using the Wiznet W5500 Ethernet I/O Library. I decided to proceed with ThreadX and NetXDuo for my project. The issue is that I couldn't find an Ethernet driver for W5500 that works with NetXDuo. Where c...

AKULC.1 by Associate II
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