STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32H745 USB CDC not working on M4 core

Hi,So with STM32CubeMX is it possible to generate a working CDC (VCP) for the M7 core.I'm unfortunately unable to generate one for the M4 core.What I did (for Nucleo-144):Selected STM32H745ZITxSystem Core->RCC: HSE to bypass mode.Connectivity->USB_OT...

Mvan .31 by Associate II
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STM32H747 MP3 player (spiritMP3 decode)

Hello everyone,I'm on STM32H747, I use SpiritMP3 decode to play my music with an I2S DAC on the M7. This works very well.The problem is when I want to dialogue between the two Cores, I use Domain D3.But I have a "BusFault" which occurs after SpiritDe...

cVass.1 by Associate II
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I need to Debounce Buttons with Press-Hold and Double-Tap detection. I'm using freeRTOS. Is it best to use a hardware timer interrupt, software freeRTOS timer or while(1) loop with osDelay(10) calls in a freeRTOS taks?

Using the while(1) with no timer seems like the simplest implementation and does not require a timer. Does using osDelay(10) inside a while(1) use more CPU than using software/hardware timer interrupt?

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Resolved! No response from bootloader after entering

Hello,I am trying to communicate with the bootloader by serial.Most of the times it works nice but sometimes it fails as I fail to enter the bootloader.To give a context, in order to enter the bootloader I set the rts of my FTDI high (this will set t...

JPatr.3 by Associate II
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Bootloader on MCU

Hello everyone, i've been coding a bootloader for STM32L072 MCU's, i can download the binary file and write it into FLASH memory from specific address, all this process works, but at the time to jump to the code to be executed, it doesn't work...i ch...

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RComa.1 by Associate II
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STM32G4 FDCAN HAL Driver Issue (v1.5.0)

The HAL_FDCAN_ErrorCallback is erroneously being called during every interrupt after a Protocol Error (PEA) occurs, even when no error exists during the interrupt. I believe this condition will occur for some of the other interrupts as well (ELO, WDI...

DAshb.11 by Associate
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