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STEVAL-IDW001V1 documentation?

Posted on April 28, 2014 at 16:28Hi, I just received a STEVAL-IDW001V1 eval module.  It is meant to connect to a Discovery F0 board, but intend on using it with a STM32F215 processor based device.  I haven't found much documentation about this eval ...

vneff by Associate III
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can not customize WPA mode (Mini AP).

Posted on November 12, 2014 at 20:03Software SPWF01S-140805-3f58d6b-RELEASE-mainSet Mini AP mode: ---------------------------------------AT+S.SSIDTXT=MY    (get/set a textual SSID)AT+S.SCFG=wifi_wpa_psk_text,SUPER  (WPA(2) PSK passphrase, if set the...

SPWF01S firmware update fail

Posted on November 07, 2014 at 16:24Hi. I'm using SPWF01S modules and I have trouble with it. The connection to router takes a big time amount. It's may take average 5, 10 or 30 minutes some time. So I dicided to update firmware. For update I used F...

BlueNRG multislaves?

Posted on July 11, 2014 at 11:28HI, I'm developing a device based on the BlueNRG. In my project I need to work with multiple slaves, ie the BlueNRF is in the CENTRAL mode. I use bluenrg_6_3 image (MODE 3)Now I have the following problem:1. if I use ...

BlueNRG - Non-connectable Advertising

Posted on September 17, 2014 at 13:24Hello, I'm wondering if there is some possibility that BlueNRG (which has established connection - slave role) will produce non-connectable advertising (same as device C at Bluetooth 4.0 core spec. Vol1, Part A, ...

matej by Associate II
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CR95HF 14443A-4

Posted on October 28, 2014 at 11:21Hi,I have custom designed board with CR95 + STM32F103. It almost copied from MB1054A demo board. I use libraries and API form ST: lib_CR95HF.c, lib_iso14443A.c and drv_CR95HF.cI wrote small programm that initialize...

SPWF01S cgi scripts

Posted on November 13, 2014 at 21:46Back in version 140128, the documentation for dynamic web pages for the output demo (sending messages to the micro over the serial port) used test.cgi to shoot values out the serial port.Recently I updated to 1408...

Spirit1 dk Contiki

Posted on October 16, 2014 at 09:07I started up on SPIRIT1 dk, development kit. I read on net that 6lowpan/contiki is ported on to stm32l+SPIRIT1, and ST promotes that. But however I'm not able to find downloadable contiki spirit port anywhere. Cou...

vamsi by Associate II
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Arduino and X-NUCLEO_IDB04A1

Posted on October 21, 2014 at 17:58Hi, I'm a newby about bluetooth. I bought X_NUCLEO IDB04A1 in order to use it with my Arduino R3. After attaching the shield to Arduino, I expected to find it in the list of available bluetooth device, but no. Do I...

valerio by Associate
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