2015-03-31 4:45 PM
Hi all,
I really hope somebody can help me on this. I'm using a STEVAL-IDW001v1 with SPWF01S module integrated. I'm trying to connect to a local server using TCP socket, right now I'm using the server socket.exe example from the wifi training hands on doc(page). Use this command:''at+s.sockon=,32000,t''and I get this error''ERROR: Failed to connect''any idea?here my dump keys:♯ Dumping All Configuration Keys:
♯ nv_manuf = ST
♯ nv_model = SPWF01SA1
♯ nv_serial = 4313D12184
♯ nv_wifi_macaddr = 00:80:E1:FF:DC:D7
♯ blink_led = 1
♯ user_desc = anonymous
♯ localecho1 = 1
♯ console_uart = 1
♯ console1_speed = 115200
♯ console1_hwfc = 0
♯ console1_enabled = 1
♯ console2_speed = 115200
♯ console2_enabled = 0
♯ localecho2 = 1
♯ console3_enabled = 0
♯ console3_speed = 115200
♯ localecho3 = 1
♯ wifi_tx_msdu_lifetime = 0
♯ wifi_rx_msdu_lifetime = 0
♯ wifi_rts_threshold = 3000
♯ wifi_ssid = 43:6F:6C:69:62:72:69:41:70:70:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
♯ wifi_ssid_len = 10
♯ wifi_mode = 1
♯ wifi_auth_type = 0
♯ wifi_rssi_thresh = 0
♯ wifi_rssi_hyst = 0
♯ wifi_ap_idle_timeout = 120
♯ wifi_beacon_loss_thresh = 10
♯ wifi_priv_mode = 2
♯ wifi_wep_keys[0] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
♯ wifi_wep_keys[1] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
♯ wifi_wep_keys[2] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
♯ wifi_wep_keys[3] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
♯ wifi_wep_key_lens = 00:00:00:00
♯ wifi_wep_default_key = 0
♯ wifi_wpa_psk_raw = C3:87:6B:99:19:8D:B7:AB:6A:3A:B7:B8:46:9F:CF:4E:20:66:07:AA:69:89:7C:65:96:DC:62:83:7C:2D:92:A5
♯ wifi_wpa_psk_text = chupala11veces
♯ ip_use_dhcp = 1
♯ ip_use_httpd = 1
♯ ip_mtu = 1500
♯ ip_hostname = iwm-FF-DC-D7
♯ ip_apdomainname = captiveportal.net
♯ ip_ipaddr =
♯ ip_netmask =
♯ ip_gw =
♯ ip_dns =
♯ ip_http_get_recv_timeout = 1000
♯ ip_dhcp_timeout = 20
here my statistics:
♯ Status & Statistics:
♯ version = 140225-02d76c4-SPWF01S
♯ reset_reason = 2
♯ conf_flag = 5
♯ system_uptime = 4393
♯ system_sleeptime = 0
♯ gpio_enable = 0
♯ captiveportal = 0
♯ wifi_sup_ratemask = 0x003FFFCF
♯ wifi_bas_rate_mask = 0x0000000F
♯ wifi_state = 10
♯ wifi_dtim_period = 1
♯ wifi_gf_mode = 0
♯ wifi_channelnum = 6
♯ wifi_chan_activity2 = 0x00000FFE
♯ wifi_max_tx_power = 18
♯ wifi_reg_country = MX
♯ wifi_num_assoc = 0
♯ ip_ipaddr =
♯ ip_netmask =
♯ ip_gw =
♯ ip_dns =
♯ free_heap = 25104
♯ min_heap = 23584
♯ current_time = 10202attached is the document where I'm working as a reference.looking forward to hear from somebody :) #spwf01s-wifi #socket-server
2015-04-01 3:21 AM
I see, from ip_ipaddr status variable, that module's IP address (the one contained into WIND:24 after association) that module IP is you opening a socket from module to module itself?