2015-03-17 12:38 PM
I am attempting to update my SPWF01SA.11 firmware using the AT+S.FWUPDATE command. I have an apache server running on my PC that contains the Rel. 3.3 .ota file. The exact .ota file is SPWF01S-141106-0950875-RELEASE-main.ota.
When I attempt to use the firmware update command, I receive an error that reads 'Invalid F/W image(60783F3C)'. I'm confused as to how it can be an invalid firmware image when I downloaded it directly from the ST website. Is there something I'm missing?2015-03-18 1:59 AM
Hi Paul,
That message should be given only on wrong image identifier: 60783F3C is not what module is expecting during an OTA.A couple of infos:1 - content of status command (at+s.sts) and config (at&v). A problem like this was into old Release <= 3.2. I expect you are moving from one of these releases to 3.3.2 - I'll try to get the same error here. Please give me the exact apache version.3 - most probably there is an error on OTA FW fragmentation. Can I ask you to try with another webserver?Thanksjerry2015-03-18 8:13 AM
1. Here are my status and config data:
# Status & Statistics:# version = 140805-3f58d6b # reset_reason = 4# conf_flag = 5# system_uptime = 5161# system_sleeptime = 0# gpio_enable = 0# captiveportal = 0# wifi_state = 10# wifi_bssid = 94:44:52:68:1D:03# wifi_aid = 5# wifi_channelnum = 6# wifi_sup_rate_mask = 0x003FFFCF# wifi_bas_rate_mask = 0x00000003# wifi_chan_activity2 = 0x00000FFF# wifi_max_tx_power = 18# wifi_reg_country = USI# wifi_dtim_period = 3# wifi_sleeping = 0# wifi_num_assoc = 0# ip_ipaddr = ip_netmask = ip_gw = ip_dns = ip_sock_open = 1# ip_sockd_port = 0# free_heap = 20304# min_heap = 18576# current_time = 62490
# Configuration Keys:# nv_manuf = ST# nv_model = SPWF01SA1# nv_serial = 2914D29583# nv_wifi_macaddr = 00:80:E1:FF:CC:4D# blink_led = 0# wind_off_low = 0x00000000# wind_off_medium = 0x00000000# wind_off_high = 0x00000000# user_desc = 62812# escape_seq = at+s.# localecho1 = 0# console1_speed = 115200# console1_hwfc = 0# console1_enabled = 1# sleep_enabled = 0# standby_enabled = 0# standby_time = 10# wifi_tx_msdu_lifetime = 0# wifi_rx_msdu_lifetime = 0# wifi_operational_mode = 0x00000011# wifi_beacon_wakeup = 1# wifi_beacon_interval = 100# wifi_listen_interval = 0# wifi_rts_threshold = 3000# wifi_ssid = 42:65:6C:6B:69:6E:2E:34:44:30:33:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_ssid_len = 11# wifi_channelnum = 6# wifi_opr_rate_mask = 0x00003FCF# wifi_bas_rate_mask = 0x0000000F# wifi_mode = 1# wifi_auth_type = 0# wifi_atim_window = 0# wifi_powersave = 0# wifi_tx_power = 18# wifi_rssi_thresh = -90# wifi_rssi_hyst = 10# wifi_ap_idle_timeout = 120# wifi_beacon_loss_thresh = 10# wifi_priv_mode = 2# wifi_wep_keys[0] = *****# wifi_wep_keys[1] = *****# wifi_wep_keys[2] = *****# wifi_wep_keys[3] = *****# wifi_wep_key_lens = *****# wifi_wep_default_key = *****# wifi_wpa_psk_raw = *****# wifi_wpa_psk_text = *****# ip_use_dhcp = 1# ip_use_httpd = 1# ip_mtu = 1500# ip_hostname = iwm-FF-CC-4D# ip_apdomainname = captiveportal.net# ip_ipaddr = ip_netmask = ip_gw = ip_dns = ip_http_get_recv_timeout = 3000# ip_dhcp_timeout = 20
2. I'm using XAMPP v3.2.1 to host the Apache server.3. I'll give a different server a try.2015-03-18 10:05 AM
Changing to a different Apache server seemed to do the trick. I used WAMP instead of XAMPP and the firmware image downloaded successfully.