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How to rebuilt BlueNRG-2 for UART

I need to update the pins used for UART communication by the BlueNRG-2 chip. I have found documentation that states you can update the source code as necessary. Is there any documentation on how to actually build the target .bin or .hex file after yo...

SBukh.1 by Associate II
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STEVAL-BLUEMIC-1signal strenght

We are working with 2 STEVAL-BLUEMIC-1 boards, one configured as server and one configured as client. Server is located into a PVC box at about 2/3 meters from the client. We noticed that when we hold in hand the pvc box or when we interpose ourselve...

EBono by Associate
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Resolved! Help Identify this part? 1600N729?

Hi,Can anyone help me identify what ST component this is? It's used in an R/C transmitter I have, it's not old, built in 2019...But I cannot figure out what ST Micro part this relates to?I found the 'STUSB1600', but that doesnt seem to fit with the ...


What actually means elementNumber in STSW_BNRG_Mesh code and app. I don't understnd the calculation part node address = BluenrgMesh_GetAddress(); elementNumber = ((dst_peer - nodeAddress)+1);

Hi Sir/Madam,In STblemesh app after configuring the node we can observe node number also element number. what elementNumber  means in the app. Also in the firmware part calculated element number following way. Can you explain why we calculated this w...

Anitha by Associate III
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