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 Which stack release do I need to pull this in, I am currently using V1.0.0.The issue I see, seems similar, where in I don't see the paring complete ever being called (rarely called or not returned at all).My Initiator parameters are (BLE112D)Io capa...
I am need to change the authentication requirements on the fly based on who is connecting to the device.
I am trying to do a file transfer over ble, using 20 byte characteristics writes. I did notice that, following a write command for characteristic, the resultant aci_gatt_attribute_modified_event() doesnt get called quick enough to process the next in...
Hello,I am using the BlueNRG 1 stack ​V2.5.0.I am using the callaci_gatt_add_char(SeviceHandle, UUID_TYPE_128, &char_uuid, 20, CHAR_PROP_READ | CHAR_PROP_NOTIFY, ATTR_PERMISSION_NONE, 0, 7, 1, &CharHandle);But I am seeing that I don't always see the ...