STM32 MCUs Security

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Resolved! CPU is locked while disabling the TrustZone on the STM32U575ZIQ Nucleo board. I set level to DC(level1) and now I am not able to connect the board to Cube Programmer and throws "Connection to target must be established before performing the read command." was using this above video for reference. I had TrustZone enabled on the board and wanted to disable it. As per the video I first set it to DC from AA level in cube programmer. Then disconnected the board and power cycle...

pkulk.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Can SBSFU internal loader enabled in RDP_LVL 2 mode ??

We have plan to support application down-loader from Application context. It means Application has ability to receive new application over the air. Not SBSFU.In case of Active application got corrupted somehow, then SBSFU is locked the MCU, as we los...

SPati.7 by Associate III
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Resolved! CRC8 with HAL for Stm32 and Python

I am quite new with embedded programming. I must implement CRC8 with HAL and have tried to implement the CRC8 in python at the other end. Have used the crc8 library but both results don’t match. Is there anybody who could give me a hand to implement ...

RPG by Senior
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Crypto lib - how to load .pem file? I have to use a public key provided to me in a .pem file to encrypt an array of bytes. What is the easiest way to compile or include the .pem file into STM32CubeIDE project as an array of bytes?

Also, the crypto functions require a key made up of an exponent and a modulus. The examples only show these as two separate arrays. How do I get from a single array I have hopefully included from the pem file into these two separate arrays? What is t...

SLevi.1 by Associate III
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CRYP issue when Timer is used as Timebase Source

Hi, I have nucleo-h753ZI and I want to use CRYP in a project that also uses FREERTOS. I set Timer 6 as Timebase Source (recommended due to FREERTOS) and as a result, program goes to HardFault every time I use HAL_CRYP_Encrypt function.HAL_CRYP_Decryp...

MattCZ by Associate
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Resolved! Where's the CRC and the size of the whole firmware application stored whenever a new application is flashed on to the System flash?

Does the controller perform a CRC confirmation check before running the application to check if the firmware is corrupted? If so, where does this happen; in the bootloader or the application itself? What does it do if the CRC turns out to be wrong? S...

Shivam by Associate II
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