STM32 MCUs Security

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STM32F413-Disco board with SBSFU

Hi,I want to use SBSFU with my simple application. I watched successfully implement the SBSFU example project on my board. Here, I've a problem to use SBSFU wit...

Meenakshi by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 SBSFU Firmware Validation

Hi all,I'm new to using the STM secure boot/secure firmware update and I'm trying to understand how the verification works when sending a new firmware image to the board. I got SBSFU running on an STM32H750B-DK dev board and successfully loaded the e...

Resolved! TFM / CubeMX integration

HI,we are interested in a guide to  a clear workflow of integrating CubeMX-generated code for U5 into TFM-based application.In particular:1. We have trustzone-enabled CubeMX-generated app with Azure RTOS and TouchGFX. The IDE and compiler are IAR. We...

bear2023R by Associate III
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Read Secure World Registers with GDB

Hello everyone,I am currently debugging a Cortex-M33 MCU with TrustZone-M. During my debugging session, I have observed some unexpected behavior when reading the VTOR (Vector Table Offset Register) in both secure and non-secure states using GDB.Backg...

Migrating STM32 Crypto Library from v3.1.5 to v4.2.1

Hi, I am currently working on migrating a project from STM32 Crypto Library version 3.1.5 to version 4.2.1. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with the following queries:Compatibility Inquiry: Is version 4.2.1 compatible with version 3.1.5? S...

Nile by Associate
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ST33TPHF2XI2C How to access TPM's GPIOs?

Hi, I am working on integrating the TPM ST33TPHF2XI2C into our platforms and we noticed that there are two GPIOs in the TPM chip. The datasheet says the following:  The GPIO function could be modified by activating GPIOs mapped on the NV storage inde...

aaflores by Associate
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Resolved! Cryptolibrary 4.x.x (cmox) RSA preallocated buffer

How do you know how big the preallocated static buffer should be when calling cmox_rsa_construct?Does this depend on the RSA key size that will be used?Does this depend on the Modular Exponentiation function that is selected (LOWMEM, MIDMEM, HIGHMEM)...

lieron by Associate
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