STM32 MCUs Security

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Resolved! STSAFE- A110 mqtt tls authentication

Hello, I am confused in finalizing a secure chip for my iot gateway(linux). I read all the documents for ST SAFE-A110. My gateway has an mqtt broker which is bridged to another broker in cloud. In order to Implement TLS for mqtt i need to provide key...

Anzal3c3 by Associate II
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Resolved! 32F417 - the definitive way to set RDP2?

Is this the right way? if (FLASH_OB_GetRDP() != OB_RDP_LEVEL_2) { HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); // Unlock the flash memory HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock(); // Unlock the option bytes *(__IO uint8_t*) OPTCR_BYTE1_ADDRESS = OB_RDP_LEVEL_2; // Set RDP2 HAL_FL...

PHolt.1 by Senior III
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Resolved! Debugging SBSFU

Hello,I would like to be able to debug the SBSFU application of the STM32U5 microcontroller series. What steps do I have to follow to be able to do it? Thanks in advance

Resolved! Clock change in the sbsfu application

Hello,I am using the stm32u5 SBSFU application and I am trying to implement my own 64 MHz clock. But when I change it from 160 Mhz to 64 Mhz the application does not work. Can the SBSFU clock work with less than 160 MHz or does it have to work only w...

Resolved! 32F417 and RDP2: OTP (512 bytes) and SRAM execution

Thissuggests that one cannot execute code from SRAM. Is that really correct?Also there is ambiguity on whether the OTP area (512 bytes plus the control block) is readable in RDP2. Why say "512 bytes" and not just all-OTP?The OTP area must remain usab...

PHolt.1 by Senior III
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STM32H563 Debug Authentication

Hello, I have a ARM Keil MDK project with STM32H563ZI and want to protect it against readout. So I want to use the Debug Authentication. The trustzone is not activated. The first time programming is done over UART and then over USB by an own tool and...

STM32F030K6 Core is Locked

I have 2 x SMT Electric Feeders (Same Model --- HGWC Yamaha YMH-EF8-000 8mm) with STM32F030K6 MCU that are having issues with Core/CPU lock up. NOTE: I know that when the STM32F030K6 chip is configured for either RDP Level 1 (Read Protection) or RDP ...