Hi, I was registered before for the course on Tuesday October 6th and had to cancel as I did not receive the hardware in time. It actually was sent 2 days late to a wrong address in Germany instead of Switzerland. Also for the course on October 27th ...
Because I was on a 10 day vacation, I missed to confirm my registration for the workshop "Discover our STM32 security ecosystem - from theory to practice" within the prescribed time frame. Might it be possible to still join the online workshop?Best r...
Good Morning, I missed confirming my registration for the workshop "Discover our STM32 security ecosystem - from theory to practice" within the prescribed time frame. Might it be possible to still join the online workshop?Yours faithfullyC. Schermess...
I'm trying to set the Read projection level to 1 after programming the application. Our manufacturing setup requires that we use J-Link rather than the ST-Link. I tried making a set of exit steps for the J-Link but it isn't working; I'm wondering i...
Dear,I am setting RDP to level 1 in my application, After setting it I call System reset HAL_NVIC_SystemReset(); After reset I am expecting the MCU is locked, but it seems I read in code the MCU is still in level 0 so the procedure of setting RDP to ...
I did expect this to be development platform neutral but had to find out that I will not be able to participate since I don't use Windows.
The link in the mail only points to an .ics file
Hello,during my holidays I missed the confirmation email for the german workshop on Oct, 8. 2020.Please rebook for the german workshop on Nov., 9. 2020.I've already received the kit.Best regards