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STUSB1602 firmware problem.

Hello,During testing with the STUSB1602, I encountered strange behavior when using the DRP-mode. Connecting a USB power bank in this mode does not result in a successful connection. Only after pressing the engage-button on a Powerbank, the connection...

Alfredo by Associate II
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Resolved! lsm303 stm32F407G

I have some following up questions after my last post: I now have a code that does not give any errors. with the librarys in the picture below. But when i run the code a...


Query on SAI data size

Hello Team,I am trying to read some data with the nucleo-L552ZEQ peripheral using the SAI peripheral in asynchronous slave mode configured in TDM Mode.In the attached above, Ch0 is the FS and CH1 is the SCLK signal. I've configured the following:1) F...

Jansunil by Associate II
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Resolved! Setting Cs periodically while using Dma

Good DayI am using Spi with Dma. When using the Hal-function "HAL_SPI_Receive(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)", I want to receive 1000 times Data , which I can set in the size-area. The Problem is that my Spi...

Squidward by Associate II
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BLE Manager

Hi Everyone!I'm quite new to BlueNRG-2 and it's not clear to me, in general, what is the purpose of BLE Manager.Could I develop a BLE application withoiut it (I guess  yes :) )? Which are the advantages to use BLE Manager instead of not?Thanks a lot ...


Good dayI have a STEVAL-MKI173V1 which is for the LSM303AH.I have to integrate this on a project in VS code, as there is no Zephyr driver for this, I am trying to implement this directly on I2C.The device has two addresses one for the accel and the o...

BlueNRG-1 ble gatt write request

Hi, anyone has an example to share for understand which api function can generate a "gatt write request" ? and how to use it?I'm stuck trying to write from central to pheriperal device, because all writes goes into timeout (pheriperla device disconne...