STM32 MCUs Security

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Forum Posts

Latest release of CryptoLib?

I have been asked to find out if release STM3232CubeExpansion_CryptoV3.1.1 is the latest release of this package, and if not please tell me where I can get the updated version. If there is no update, can you tell me if and when one is expected

TLee- by Associate
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How to convert polynomial number to good value

I have polynomial for CRC 0x8C. And in STM I must write 0x31, because it is rotate.But I don't know, how to convert this value to good value.In binary:0x8C - 0b100011000x31 - 0b00110001I create function:uint8_t ror8_polynomial(uint8_t poly, uint8_t ...

Calculating Ethernet Multicast filter HASH value (?)

Posted on May 23, 2014 at 03:03Hi All It is strange but I can't find any code example of how to set up the Ethernet HASH filter for multicast reception. There was a question in 2011 in this forum as to the same but it was not answered - so I will tr...

hpipon957 by Associate III
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STM32 Crypto Library

I am using the STM32F071RB microcontroller and trying to use the en.stm32-cryp-lib to encrypt and decrypt using AES128-CBC. The encryption and decryption functions return expected data when using data that is a multiple of 16 bytes, but don't when th...

AKama.2 by Associate II
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Hello, I’m facing some problems with the CRC HAL library when I want to change the polynomial to use. I want to use the 16 bits CRC/ARC polynomial (0x8005).

I try this to use this:/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/void SystemClock_Config(void);uint32_t CRCtest0 = 0;uint32_t CRCtest1 = 0;//uint32_t CRCtest2 = 0;uint8_t txData[10]={0xF2, 0x10, 0x10, 0xE0, 0x3F,...

MDura.9 by Associate
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Posted on July 16, 2018 at 12:03Does STM32F105RB has CRC function? Why I can't get the stm32f1xx_hal_crc.c in \Drivers\STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver?#stm32f105rbt6-crc