STM32 MCUs Security

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STM32 Crypto Library

I am using the STM32F071RB microcontroller and trying to use the en.stm32-cryp-lib to encrypt and decrypt using AES128-CBC. The encryption and decryption functions return expected data when using data that is a multiple of 16 bytes, but don't when th...

AKama.2 by Associate II
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Hello, I’m facing some problems with the CRC HAL library when I want to change the polynomial to use. I want to use the 16 bits CRC/ARC polynomial (0x8005).

I try this to use this:/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/void SystemClock_Config(void);uint32_t CRCtest0 = 0;uint32_t CRCtest1 = 0;//uint32_t CRCtest2 = 0;uint8_t txData[10]={0xF2, 0x10, 0x10, 0xE0, 0x3F,...

MDura.9 by Associate
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Posted on July 16, 2018 at 12:03Does STM32F105RB has CRC function? Why I can't get the stm32f1xx_hal_crc.c in \Drivers\STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver?#stm32f105rbt6-crc

Read/Write protection mechanism.

Posted on May 31, 2018 at 11:51Hey all!I'm working on a project(on STM32L1) where i have to set the Read/Write protection so no one can access my code,but the actually i want to build such a mechanism where if i want to make a change in code so i ca...

Resolved! SBSFU Application Version Definition

Posted on June 25, 2018 at 17:44We are testing SBSFU on a 32L476_nucleo board, using the 2-image example project with IAR EWARM.We can reliably build and update the application in the way suggested.We would like the roll-back feature to work properl...

Correct HAL APIs for Crypto AES mode

Posted on July 12, 2018 at 13:43Hi, I am trying to use CRYP_AES_GCM example from STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.11.0 for stm32f769I-eval.  I see, stm32f7xx_hal_cryp.c has two set of APIs. By default the APIs under ' &sharpif defined (CRYP)  ' are enabled. and t...

Resolved! How to write a code after RDP level 1 ?

Posted on June 23, 2018 at 08:49HelloI am using stm32l152rc controller and I am trying to load a code using a dfusedemo application and during that time my flash  is on RDP level 1.With help of msp my code jump to location 0x1FF00000 which is locati...

Python and CRC8 verification

Posted on July 03, 2018 at 10:11 Helo friends, I try calculate CRC8 in python and compare with CRC in STM And I have a problem. My python CRC is return wrong value. Python script: def AddToCRC(b, crc): b2 = b for i in xrange(8): od...