2019-10-07 3:13 PM
I am trying to build and flash sample project from:
I have been able to build the modules -- SBSFU, SECoreBin and UserApp -- from Makefiles using GNU ARM toolchain.
The last step, postbuild.sh, generated:
It also showed "No FW signing leaf cert" and "No leaf cert" in the output log.
To flash:
The app doesn't startup.
My question is about the postbuild.sh script that whether the arguments I used were correct. Ultimately I want to bring up the Test Menu from the UserApp.
2019-10-09 2:46 AM
Hello Chuan Lee,
First the "No FW signing leaf cert" message is normal as long as you don't use STSafe.
No issue here.
Regarding your startup issue, I would suggest the following:
The SBSFU is provided as an example. You must understand it, adapt it to your needs.
Regarding arguments provided to postbuild, I guess the current directory is missing. Here are the first lines of postbuilt.sh:
# arg1 is the build directory
# arg2 is the elf file path+name
# arg3 is the bin file path+name
# arg4 is the version
# arg5 when present forces "bigelf" generation
Best regards
2019-10-10 11:03 AM
Sorry, my typo in the message. I did have all arguments in the postbuild.sh script:
postbuild.sh . '../../UserApp/build_debug/UserApp.elf' '../../UserApp/build_debug/UserApp.bin' 1
The postbuild script generated SBSFU_UserApp.bin (Wtih #define SECBOOT_DISABLE_SECURITY_IPS)
When STM32CubeProgrammer opens SBSFU_UserApp.bin, the log window shows:
10:43:38 : STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.1.0
10:44:33 : Read File: 1_Image\SECoreBin\Binary\SBSFU_UserApp.bin
10:44:33 : Number of segments: 1
10:44:33 : segment[0]: address= 0x0, size= 0x25940
Linker_Common/mapping_sbsfu.ld sets __ICFEDIT_bank1_secure_start__ = 0x08000000,
and mapping_fwimg.ld sets __ICFEDIT_region_SLOT_0_start__ = 0x08020000.
If I change the address to 0x08000000, the app prompts "Address out of range".
I don't know what's happening.
2019-10-10 5:15 PM
A more incremental dev/test method:
Use different keys for debug because you wouldn't want boards loaded with your final keys accidentally going out a door without RDP and other protections.
To load SBSFU_UserApp.bin using STM32CubeProgrammer, click the "Erase & Programming" button, browse and select your binary, enter start address = 0x8000000, uncheck "Skip flash erase before programming" and click the "Start Programming" button. It determines the size and erases sectors automatically. My STM32CubeProgrammer is v1.3.0.
BTW there's a quirk in the X-CUBE-SBSFU download and install examples. The image has the encrypted app immediately following the header. But the example app's download writes the image's header to the start of SLOT#1 and has extra lines of code to position the image's encrypted part (for full image) starting at SLOT#1 + 0x400, and the example SBSFU is coded to find the encrypt start there too.
2019-10-18 4:13 PM
Thanks Jocelyn and Alister. I don't have issue with postbuild.sh anymore.