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Hello All,We are designing a battery operated device for that we have selected STM8L051F3 MCU,For development we have ordered NUCLEO-8L152R8 board, and after wards we will port the same code for STM8L051F3 MCU. (Please help if any Better suggestions)...
Hello All,We have designed a custom board using STM8L052C6 MCU chip, where we have include a Boot loader functionality in it.This Boot loader is UART based where the application binary file will be received on the Custom board in packet over UART an...
Hello All,We have designed a custom board with STM32F777IITx MCU on it, where i am using ST Micro's CubeMX with Atollic True Studio for developing the code.Now I am also using a USB host peripheral and reading data from USB device now this data read ...
Hello All,We have designed a Custom Board with STM32F777 MCU chip and are using Atollic Truestudio with ST Micro's CubeMX for development.I have implemented a USB boot loader for the same hardware which is working fine with the Custom Board.Now i wan...
Hi All,I am using the STM32F777T6 board with Attollic studio along with STM32Cube MCU package version 1.9.7 (My set up in Linux base).I need boot loader example for STM32F777T6 board. Please share the example. I have used other reference examples but...
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