post build path
need to add CRC to my binary. i.e. srec_catCan I add path to IDE to look for srec_cat, alternative what path are searched
need to add CRC to my binary. i.e. srec_catCan I add path to IDE to look for srec_cat, alternative what path are searched
I had a problem while uploading firmware into my custom board.I used ST-Link attached at NUCLEO-F091RC board, and I could read Option Bytes and Memory at 0x00000000 using ST-Link Utility and STM32CubeProgrammer.But I can't read or erase flash memo...
cant find and examples on how to use GenerateSignature
Hello,I need help setting the secure memory area for the STM32H753XI mcu. I am running it on STM32H753I-EVAL kit.I have read the dedicated part on the reference manual (chapter 5 on document RM0433), the "Introduction to STM32 microcontrollers securi...
hi there I cannot figure out the true meaning of htcr reg and config1~config3 field in rng_cr reg。 I was wondering about the relationship between health test register and health test parameter (repetition counter test the “40�? consecutive bi...
Hello,I have an unexpected behavior with a H753ZI board. After a very few steps, I ended up in a situation where PCROP seems to be enabled and RDP level is set to 0. For some reasons, this causes the board to freeze indefinitely, moreover after disco...
This may be a dumb question, but how can I correctly reboot a programmed board after setting the read out protection?Hardware: ST Link-V2Software : STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.5.0.0Connect via SWD freq 4000Test programs BOR_LEV=3 and nDBANK=0 > everything i...
In the video, "Security Part6 - STM32 security ecosystem - 02 Building the SBSFU" there are some scripts under the folder "STM32SecuWS" which are unavailable in the SBSFU download software. Where can I get these scripts? I am also struggling while fo...
Hi,I followed document "readme.txt" in "STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.4.0\Projects\STM32L562E-DK\Applications\TFM" to family with TFM, it work fine.My question:1: "press reset button or restart the board power" will lock the board. Please tell me what code in...
Using a STM32F407VGT6 (1MB Flash)For the starting address of 0x08000000 (base address), HAL_CRC_Accumulate only accepts a buffer length of up to 0x40000.For 0x080F0000, only buffer length up to 0x4000.For 0x080FF000, only buffer length up to 0x400.Fo...