Interface and connectivity ICs

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Forum Posts

Package problems of PN BD682

I purchased the parts of BD682 from Future. And I found the location of the packaging holes, some leaking copper, some exposed iron, and some plastic sealing, I am worried about affecting the corrosion resistance of the material.Could you help sugges...

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STM32L475VGT6 BLE 256kbps Notify

Hello all, I'm trying to send 160 2-byte samples through the BLE platform each 10ms ( total bitrate of 256kbps ) to a single peer. I have been trying to modify the code for the HeartRate example project provided by the STM32 to achieve this rate.Howe...

looking for ST87MXX_UM_AT document

Hi, I'm looking for the complete manual of ST87M01, including the list of AT command, as refered in UM3382EVKITST87M01-1 ( ressource file. thanks !  

tfa-inc by Associate
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