Interface and connectivity ICs

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Forum Posts

SPWF04 MiniAP Stuck

Posted on February 22, 2018 at 17:11I am using SPWF04 module for embedded web server application and spwf04 configured in MiniAP. In my application  i am continuously posting data to the web pages, after some time wifi module get stuck. The access p...

Resolved! SPWF04Sx - FW1.1.0 - MQTT SUBSCRIBE

Posted on February 21, 2018 at 20:40hi,when you subscribe to a topic on MQTT broker, with cmd AT+S.MQTTSUBwhat wind message do i receive when MQTT broker publish on the topic (you subscribe)?in the UM214, i only see86 'MQTT Published' %u:%s:%u:%u:%u...

How to release an IP address

Posted on February 19, 2018 at 17:13Hello,I use a SPWF04SC, and I create a web page on it 's memory.I want to limit the access at only one client.I use the command  'ip_num_clients = 1', that  work good but when the client is dissociated , no more c...

Resolved! SPWF04Sx - AT-S.Http Client Error:1

Posted on January 16, 2018 at 18:30Hi,SPWF04Sx with FW1.1.0, mode miniAPi loaded certificat in the wifi moduleCA, cert and key based on ECC (prime256v1 aka NIST P-256)and i run cmd AT+S.HTTPGET.I have error:+WIND:29:DHCP Reply: