Bluenrg Development tools
What software/hardware tools do i need to start developing a custom application on these devices?Can I use the embedded MCU to control a few externals peripheral devices so the bluenrg act as main application processor?
What software/hardware tools do i need to start developing a custom application on these devices?Can I use the embedded MCU to control a few externals peripheral devices so the bluenrg act as main application processor?
Hi I'm trying to get a codec up and running in full duplex using I2S with an STM32F407ZGT6 as MCU. I configure the project using STM32CubeIDE and thus also STM32CubeMx. I have got a skeleton generated but the function HAL_I2S_MSP_INIT that is generat...
Hello when i try to import some TrueStudio example from BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0 into Cube IDE this one ask me to select the correct MCU and the BlueNRG V2 is not proposed ? Any idea ?
according to the BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth LE stack aci :aci_gap_set_discoverable(......,SlaveConnIntervMin,SlaveConnIntervMax) the last two parameter value range :0x0006~0x0c80,but the STM32CubeExpansion_BLE1_V4.40why the last two parameter are 0???l
Sensor-Node (FP-SNS-6LPNODE1) - Wifi Bridge(FP-NET-6LPWIFI1) Is there any way to send a message like HTTP Get to the web server via Wifi Bridge?Sensor-Node needs to send an http get message to the web server, which is not good.
Hi, i am trying to connect the SPBTLE-1S device to the computer in order to advertise, but i am having troubles.i cant find anywhere which pins are needed for the GUI and what the module is preflashed withKind Regards,Mike
I'm attempting to build a React Native app that reads data from a Sensortile over BLE. I am scanning, connecting and getting the UUIDs of services and characteristics. How do I determine which service/characteristic has the data I need? For examp...
Hello, we are working with a STM32F469I-DISCO board and the new STM32CubeIDE.We have followed some discussion in the community (mainly for the STM32F746). The board seems configured correctly, after the command: otm8009a.c/* Send Command Display On *...
To exchange data with my display I am using the i2c protocol. I decided to exchange data with the DMA but I have problems. Without DMA everything works perfectly. Communication does not go well with Dma. The configuration is the default, and the only...