2019-08-15 01:22 AM
I developed pcb with BLUENRG-2 IC.
Where in BLE-Beacon example (ST BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0) I may change Adversitive Interval?
This is need for me, because my application need more free CPU time.
Thank you!
2019-08-15 07:10 PM
In BLE_Beacon_main.c line 324,
when calling aci_gap_set_discoverable() the first 3 parameters are:
uint8_t Advertising_Type,
uint16_t Advertising_Interval_Min,
uint16_t Advertising_Interval_Max,
Please configure the second and the third parameter accordingly.
The range of the values would be 0x0020 to 0x4000,
with Time = value * 0.625 ms, the range of the time will be respectively 20 ms to 10240 ms.