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Error as Connect under reset

As I am doing debugging in STM32L072CZ using ST Link/V2 by STM32 ST-Link Utility software. But I getting error message as Connect Under Reset and I have tried under all mode but same error has been repeated. How can I solve this error and I also atta...

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BLE stops advertising when bonding is enabled and rebooted. I think the problem is in stack initialization. How to deinitialize the BLE stack before rebooting.??

Initially when bond is disabled, BLE works fine. But when bonding is enabled through AT Commands and board is reset, I get error like "Error in aci_gap_set_discoverable(): 0x42". I am storing the Bond status in nvm. Is nvm making the issue? I suspect...

STM32F429zi ram drive code

Hi all,Where can I find code example for STM32F429zi ram drive codeI see FatFS and other examples, but no ram-drive FatFS exampleI need to open a device over USB to be recognized by the PC HOSTThanksEli

ECrom.1 by Associate III
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