i have 2 STEVAL-BCN002V1B boardsthe first one i tried using the app and using bluetooth and the daughterboard (sensor board) showed solid green and i can't bluetooth connect to it and using firmware updater with USB doesnt erase to load new firmwaret...
These answers say that the BlueNRG-M2SP module comes blank and must be programmed with a firmware binary.https://community.st.com/t5/interface-and-connectivity-ics/preloaded-firmware-of-bluenrg-m2sp/m-p/134698#M1534https://community.st.com/t5/interfa...
We are a data company based out of the UK who use a data collection device which utilises RF transmission. The device transmits accelerometer data collected on it using the S2-LPQTR component. This set up is certified for FCC and CE, with the caveat ...
I rely mainly on the example of WiFi_HTTP_Server stm32F413H-Discovery but it no longer works, the web page fell, I do not know where I am wrong, if in the response times I have it wrong or I pointed to the wifi module I use stm32cubeideI implemented ...
Hi, I need a comprehensive description of STUSB1602 registers to see if there's a possibility to control the I/O lines with them. I checked the git repository of firmwares and found something but I'd like to get a general description of the registers...
I am trying to do a general HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit. Everything is fine until I come here: /* Write data to TXDR */ hi2c->Instance->TXDR = *hi2c->pBuffPtr;When I pass this line, the ARLO bit is set in I2C->ISR. My pBuffPtr is correct. It's litera...
Hi community,I´m using BlueNRG-LP and coding in WiSE studio, want to printf some float data, but failed and tried most solutions I can found, no one is working. is there some special solution for this environment?
Hi everyone,I would like to design a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) server-side on my STWINBX1 board.I saw some ST documentation, like "PM 0257: BlueNRG-1, BlueNRG-2 BLE stack v2.x programming guidelines"On introduction, its said that it use "BlueNRG-1, ...
Hi everyone,I am currently working on a PCB design using a Bluenrg-332ac chip. The official PCB design guideline has a resistor marked "X" as shown on the left of the figure below. But I saw the resistor soldered on the eval board. Can anyone explain...