User Activity

I would like to use Bluenrg-ms in simultaneous central/peripheral mode. My initialization method builds up like this: 1. after the first reset, set up stack mode 3 by calling aci_hal_wirite_config data, 2. call aci_gap_init_IDB05A1 function with peri...
I managed to pair bluenrg-ms with my smartphone. (pairing complete arrives with status = 0x00 and everything is okey) but if i want to disconnect from it i can't get any events. I can press "disconnect from paired device" on my phone but nothing hap...
I would like to discover and connect peripheral devices with Bluenrg-ms central role. My initializing function set up public address with ac_write_config_data and than init gatt layer with gatt_init function. Finally i call gap_init with the followin...
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