can we generate basic code for blue nrg 232 using blue nrg gui with out hardware module, any evaluation board.
can we generate basic code for blue nrg 232 using blue nrg gui with out hardware module, any evaluation board.
can we generate basic code for blue nrg 232 using blue nrg gui with out hardware module, any evaluation board.
I was following a video tutorial for F(S)MC setup for an 8080 LCD interface. I have an Elegoo ILI9341 shield. When I ran the code, my display was just a flashing white background no matter what functions I tried to call.All of the tutorial functions ...
how to configure blue nrg 232 so io pinCan we generate c code for blue nrg 232 soc from cubemx
Hi. I am new to all these. I want to ask if X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 compatible with development boards other than the ones they sell and aurdino. Like the board this guy sell.
IDE support for BluenRG232 programming is I use Cube ide or IAR platform or TrueStudio for programming the ST Blue nRG232?
I am working on stm32h750 interfacing with QSPI but my problem is when i saved the firmware file in QSPI external flash two days before the code is working fine and file also saved in QSPI but today i run same code there is problem to boot the device...
Hi I am trying to talk to a Winbond W25Q64 SPI Flash and it seems to write data ok but for some reason the call to do a SPI Read actually forces it to clock16 bits - which is wrong. It is set to 8. I do a HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive to send a 0x9F to re...
Hi Sir/Madam,I want to give control commands from windows based application(like ble mesh app). Is there such kind of application available?Regards,Anitha
I'm using STM32L476 with external memory. At first I try to read data from the external memory, then write in it, read it again and finally reset so when I'll read it I'll find what I have already wrote. But the problem is that after the reset, the d...
Hi and thanks for this community, it is really useful to find answers and how-to stuff... really appreciate.Recently I bought a couple of B_L072Z-LRWAN1, right now, just to do a quick RF test.I need it before anything else. The firmware loaded allow ...