I can't get the data transmitted faster than every 487ms or about 0.5s. And that's with the Motion Sensor Update Rate set to 40Hz. I've set the DM (Distance Mode) to short (=1), the TimingBudget to 20 ms and the InterMeasurement down to 25ms. The rel...
I have the development kit STEVAL-IDB008V2 and I'm trying to flash a firmware to the blueNRG chip.I success to flash example with the BlueNRG-2 Navigator with the usb cable.Now I would like to modify an example with Atollic True Studio for STM32. I c...
Hi guys,I have STEVAL IDB008V2 DK board and install BlueNRG-2 Navigator. The board appears in device manager as a VCP10, also recognized by BlueNRG-2 Navigator (meaning flash and run is activated). However, when I try to program it using any pre-buil...
Hi guys, I have STEVAL IDB008V2 DK board and install BlueNRG-2 Navigator. The board appears in device manager as a VCP10, also recognized by BlueNRG-2 Navigator (meaning flash and run is activated). However, when I try to program it using any pre-bu...
Hi,After downloading STSW-BLUENRG1-DK v3.0.0 and installing on my windows 10 PC I can't open BlueNRG-1_Navigator.exe. When I double click on it nothing happens. But BLUENRG1_Wizard.exe does work.During installation it failed to install the STMicroele...
Hello,What is the best way to utilize the sleep state/low power feature of the SPIRIT1 device? I am using two SPIRIT1 modules (one as a transmitter and one as a receiver). The receiver will be powered by a small battery and I would like the receiver ...
Where can I download the TEConCept tool used for STEVAL-IDP004V1?I purchased the STEVAL-IDP004V2 master evaluation board and STEVAL-IDP003V1 kit and tried to run them.The manual says to use the TEConcept control tool, but I couldn't find it on the ho...
While using this BlueNRG-2 sample flash code when we change our data storage address to 0x10042380 it works but only when I made that ble board boot pin ground and then high sort of reset ,then it starts working and if I change that address to 0x1007...
IDE support for BluenRG232 programming ishttps://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-bluenrg1-dk.htmlWhich other IDE gives support for Blue-nRG232 SOC programming? Can I use Cube ide or IAR platform or TrueStudio for programming the ST Blue nRG232?