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Forum Posts

RHFLVDS2281: Power consumption

We are looking at the dual 4x4 crosspoint switch LVDS RHFLVDS2281 and we have a little urgent question regarding the power consumption of the circuit.In the data sheet following is stated:But we can´t find any figures when the circuit is switching, i...

JMörf.1 by Associate
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BLUENRG-M2SP PCB antenna vs chip antenna

Hi,I would like to evaluate the BLUENRG-M2SP module, but I have a question: Does the PCB antenna on this module have a disadvantage over your chip antenna module which is the SPBTLE-RF module? Actually since this is a new design I tend to use already...

Andras by Associate
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SPIRIT1 link budget

Good afternoon,I'm developing a low power radio stack based on SPIRIT1. I encountered a strange behavior in the radio, using the SPIRIT1_Library from ST. I positioned two board within 5cm between each other and using the function "SpiritQiGetRssi" I ...

Resolved! What MCU part number does the BlueNRG-2 use?

I am trying to build new firmware for the BlueNRG-2 but am not sure how to configure it as a target. I have looked all over in the documentation and it just mentions that the BlueNRG-2 uses a cortex-M0 processor. I'm assuming it is in the STM32F0 fam...

JTorr.1 by Associate II
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