2020-11-03 12:36 PM
I am playing with the EVAL board
EVAL-SCS001V1, NUCLEO board, and the STSW-STUSB002 GUI software.
I am using the PD SOURCE as Globetek Power Module(RR9LZ3000USBCG2(R6B)) , It is generating 20V output voltage at the EVAL board terminal block J10.
Now I would like to change this voltage to 12V, I am thinking I should change PDO3 setting.
I read the contents of PDO3 (REG. 0x8D – 0x90) as 0x00064064 (Reg 8D value is 0x64 just to clarify the order),
So I changed the PDO3 contents to 0x0003C064, and verified the write operation by reading back the contents. I am using the GUI software READ/WRITE I2C Data TAB to alter the contents.
Then I saved hit the GUI software button by pressing “Write NV RAM�?, I got a message saying Write success.
Then I recycled the power to everything, but I am still getting the 20V output and PDO3 setting went back to 20V.
I am not really sure what I am missing here, please advise.
2020-11-03 7:28 PM
The register settings will not be restore after a power recycle.
What you need would be to configure NVM.
It can be configured directly in STSW-STUSB002 GUI :
Then, please remember to write the modification NVM.
The corresponding content is at offset 0xE1 and 0xE2 -- SNK_PDO_FLEX2_V.
To set the voltage to 12V:
Which means SNK_PDO_FLEX2_V[9:0] = 0x0F0 = 240
2020-11-04 6:59 AM
Hi Winfred,
Thanks for the response, before I was referring the document "The STUSB4500 software programming guide - UM2650", Section 1.4 "HOW to fill the PDO registers". I think it may be misleading little bit.
And your explanation is matching with STUSB4500 Datasheet section 5.2 "Default Start up configuration". I think your EVAL board quick start guide requires more info like "How to set the output voltage and current with the example".
Thank you again for solving my problem.