STM32 MCUs Security

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Forum Posts

Bug in HAL_CRC Module

I found a bug the HAL CRC Module... First of all... when you enable the CRC Module with CubeMX 5.0.1 the MX_CRC_Init() is empty and the peripheral is not initalized!I wrote all the code manualy or copied it from the old CubeMX 4 generated code...This...

CRC module init code

Is STM32CubeMX v5.01 supoosed to generate CRC intializtion code? All I get is an empty  MX_CRC_Init() function and no handle is created. Is this a bug? I can copy the init code from an example but I'm wondering how/where the CRC clock gets enabled...

x-cube-cryptolib with cubemx

The question has been asked already, and the answer is generally : look at, the link is dead.Where can I find this document ?Regar...

X-Cube-Crypto Library CubeMX Help

Posted on August 09, 2016 at 23:33 I downloadedX-Cube-Crypto Library from the email and i have the zip. Issue is that i cant seem to find anything that would install it into the CubeMX software. I can browse the zip and see the files and examples ...

ayarema by Associate II
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CubeMX CRC polynomial can't be entered

Posted on August 20, 2016 at 12:21Running 4.15 and as a programmer I really don't need this Xa+Xb rubbish.  Can we just have a decimal (or preferably) an hex field?If it is going to have something clever like this then at least make sure it works. T...