STM32H743 Based CAN system memory Bootloader supports secure boot?
Hi All,stm32h734 system memory bootloader does it supports CAN secure bootloader regards,Prakash
Hi All,stm32h734 system memory bootloader does it supports CAN secure bootloader regards,Prakash
Hello, These are the scripts available for the L4 series, Can the same scripts be used for H7 series MCUs. If not, are there any specific scripts/commands needs to be followed. Regards,Devank J
In the case of a root of trust with two boot stages (STiRoT + OEMuRoT), I'm looking to update the OEMuRoT or the firmware. From STM32CubeProgrammer I can do this via the bootloader. However, when I use the ST-LINK probe and try to program the new fir...
Hi there.I'm struggling with the implementation of continuous SPI data transfer in Transmit only master mode with DMA in circular mode and enabled CRC calculation.In any other configuration I've tried (DMA normal mode or SPI transfer with MCU polling...
I've read the X-CUBE-SBSFU Secure Boot and Secure Firmware documents and it doesn't explain if these are tools, with GUI, or just an API, which should really be explained at the start.If you know all about it I am sure these documents are just great,...
Hi support team and developper community. Happy new year to all. I have a project including Secure Manager and a Non-Secure application on a STM32H573 platform. My non-secure app is modeled after the SMAK_Appli app provided within STM32Cube. I used ...
Intergrated USB in SBSFU for FW update, and adapting it to work with YMODEM protocol. Only half of the package is downlaoding to microcontroller. Getting error. I will highly appreciate for any help. = [SBOOT] STATE: HANDLE CRITICAL FAILURE= [EXCPT]...
Dear ST Community,I am currently using the STM32F407G-DISCOVERY board for my project and would like to implement the SBSFU (Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update) bootloader on this board. However, upon reviewing the X-CUBE-SBSFU package, I noticed ...
I am using X-CUBE-MATTER v1.1.1. I understand that it is possible to use the DAC and PAI provided by CommScope using the project STM_provisioning. Please tell me more about STM_provisioning. Also, please tell me how to create STM_provisioning in ligh...
I'm curious what is the best way to debug a User Application when using SBSFU on a STM32.Of course the security mechanisms in SBSFU/SECore must be disabled to allow debugging at all and basically just downloading the UserApplication and debug it with...