Resolved! The update to CubeIDE 1.6.0 cause a linker error compiling the UserApp.
(.SE_IF_Code+0x0): multiple definition of `SE_APP_GetActiveFwInfo'STM32L476 Demo
(.SE_IF_Code+0x0): multiple definition of `SE_APP_GetActiveFwInfo'STM32L476 Demo
I programmed stm32F103RCT6 firmware using STM32CubeIDE.When Read Out Protection (RDP) is disabled, the firmware works well.But RDP is enabled, the firmware doesn't work.My firmware is transmitting data by UART.when RDP is disabled, Firmware sends dat...
I'm starting two new projects which initially would make use of STM32F1 and STM32F4 MCUs but after reading some articles detailing how easy would be to disable RDP1 and even downgrade RDP2 to RDP1 I become very concerned. Please, anyone with more exp...
Hi there,I currently use STM32L073 for evaluation and found some issue with CRC module.L073 has a CRC peripheral whose polynomial is programmable. And when I programm the peripheral as below, the checksum returns from the module doesn't match the one...
Hello everyone,I am currently evaluating SSL with a local server and an STM32 device. I'm unable to figure out why the decryption fails with CCM as the cipher suite.FYI: I am using MbedTLS v2.14.1.Setup: I'm using x86 local server with STM32 devic...
We have ported SBSFU project for Nucleo L4R5ZI-P dev-board.All debug prints (TRACE) are working when configured USART2 but when configured LPUART1 which is used as virtual com port by ST-LINK usb connector then not getting any prints.
Hello,I installed a SBSFU for a custom application on a Nucleo-H753ZI board. Everything works fine, however with the current settings of the SBSFU, my application is lacking RAM to handle the large inputs I want it to handle.I used the memory mapping...
For downloading the binary after updating the SBSFU, how does one go about it since the security protections have been updated (8.6 in UM2262). I can't get the Secure Boot to load in Tera Term again even though I press both reset and user. When I try...
Hi :grinning_face:I am working on my project of ensuring the hardware security of the Drone's Flight Controller.I am planning to use ARM PSA to ensure security of Drone System at hardware level.I am developing drone security system by using NUCLEO-L5...
Hi,in section 2.4.1 it says that, for connectivity line devices (like the STM32F105RC I'm using), pages 0-1 are automaticall...